In today's world, energy saving is an integral part of the life of a civilized society. This is healthcare, saving money and comfort of life.
But one of the most important (global) characteristics of energy saving is the protection of the environment from negative influences.
Energy saving concept
The very concept of "energy saving" has long been used. Today, energy saving is characterized by a conceptual apparatus.
Energy saving is based on the energy resource as an energy carrier that can be used in any activity. Energy saving is any activity aimed at reducing the use of energy resources, without affecting the main function of their use. Despite the extreme accuracy of the definitions, there is often confusion between the concepts of "energy saving" and "energy efficiency". In this connection, the definition of the latter is given. Energy efficiency is a set of characteristics that reflects the ratio of the effect of the use of energy resources to the costs of the energy resources themselves. Energy saving efficiency is characterized, among other things, by the class of energy efficiency, which reflects the degree of usefulness of the product in terms of energy saving. To determine energy efficiency, special energy studies are conducted.
Basic principles of energy saving
Now that we have defined the basic concepts in this area, it is worth reflecting on the basic principles of energy saving:

- Use of alternative energy sources.
- Use of secondary energy resources.
- Application of non-energy intensive technologies and equipment.
- Taking measures for rational use of available energy resources. Assessment of the economic feasibility of the use of energy saving technologies and solutions.
This list can be attributed both to the principles of energy saving regulation and to the basic approaches to insulation of a private house. The main thing to remember: energy saving includes not only additional ways to obtain energy, but also activities to save available energy and its rational use.
Alternative energy sources
There is a lot of talk today about alternative energy sources. As a rule, we mean renewable energy resources. What is being renewed endlessly on planet Earth? Of course, it's water, sun, wind, crust. Of course, if you go into detail, then the solar activity also changes over time and the surface of the earth's crust becomes thinner, but all this is on the scale of the universe. We are talking about renewal within our civilization - in the coming centuries, we believe, the Sun will not darken and the Earth will not fly out of its orbit.
Therefore, the following energy sources are considered alternatives to oil, gas, coal and wood today:
- Energy of the Sun.Solar panels and collectors are used to use such a source. The first are solar cells, which directly convert solar energy into electricity. Solar collectors do not convert energy into electricity, but heat the coolant for later use (for example, for heating water in a private house).
- Wind energy.Wind turbines, which generate electricity with the help of blades rotated by the force of the wind, are very popular in Europe. For example, Germany already receives a third of its electricity using this renewable energy source.
- Water energy.This is not just about hydroelectric power plants. Today there are heat pumps that convert the heat of water in a lake or pool into a stable water heater to heat a house and supply hot water.
- Earth energy.The heat pumps described above can also use heat from groundwater or the upper crust for utilities. Such installations are very popular because they do not need a source of water or wind nearby: the coolant can be placed in special pipes under the grass, for example, or in wells in the garden area.
Secondary energy resources

Energy recycling is one of the basic principles of energy efficiency. Improving the efficiency of the ventilation and air conditioning system used in the building is only possible by recycling the heat of the exhaust air. This process of returning some of the heat leaving the building (the air is heated in the room by the work equipment, the people in the room) is called recovery. In this aspect, energy saving is the activity of preserving the available energy in the room.
The principle of operation of the recuperator is very simple - through a certain platinum, which conducts heat well, the air extracted from the room heats the cold streams coming from the street without mixing with it. As a result, the house enters not ice, but 2-3 degrees of heated air, which contributes to a more comfortable microclimate in the room, and also allows you to save on heating due to rising temperatures in the room due to warm currents. The recuperators are of the plate type, as described above, rotary (with a rotating element inside) and with an intermediate heat carrier. A large selection of recuperator manufacturers allows you to choose a device for different rooms and customers.
How to rationally use communal energy resources?
The rational use of available resources includes not only the installation and operation of energy efficient equipment, but also compliance with a certain regime. Energy saving mode is a way of life in which energy saving is provided at the household level. If you set a goal - to save on utility bills, you must first install equipment that by automating the supply and measurement of energy will allow you not to lose kilowatts. It must be selected on the basis of the marking confirming that this device or device provides energy savings. Increasing the energy optimization of resource use is possible only with the rational operation of all equipment. Timely switching off the lights in rooms where there are no people, careful attention to the waste of hot water and the correct setting of automatic meters and heat and electricity consumption in the house will achieve significant results in saving energy and personal money.
What is a passive house?

Energy efficiency and energy saving are inextricably linked to the concept of passive housing. It combines a set of energy saving measures that together ensure low energy consumption. The history of passive house technology began in the city of Darmstadt, where it was first developed by Feist Physics. Calculating the energy balance of the house gives him the idea to create a building that even in winter should not be associated with heating - a passive house. At that time in Germany, houses consumed about 200 kWh / m2 per year. The passive house, on the other hand, needs only 10 kWh / m2 per year to remain suitable and even comfortable for year-round living. The main criterion for the passive house is the creation of a closed envelope of the building with increased thermal insulation and low thermal conductivity. This is achieved through the use of energy-saving thermal insulation materials, exclusion of the so-called cold bridges (places in the building envelope through which the cold penetrates the building: facade fasteners, windows).
Evaluating the effectiveness of the application of energy saving technologies
In order to bring the level of energy consumption in a building closer to the standard of the passive house, it is necessary to use materials with high heat resistance, modern engineering equipment, renewable and secondary energy sources, in short, measures that ensure savings ofenergy. In this case, energy efficiency is calculated based on the cost spent on this or that innovation in the house and the effect that such a decision will lead to the owner. First, it is necessary to calculate the impact of new technology on the production and consumption of certain types of resources. In this case, you need to rate:
- The degree of resource savings (the difference between the resources used by energy efficient and traditional equipment during invoicing when the same amount of energy is generated).
- The effect of energy production (the difference or ratio of volumes of energy generated over a period of time by the compared equipment options using the same amount of resources).
These indicators will give us an idea of the need to move to the calculation of the economic effect. It is calculated by comparing the costs spent on purchasing new (and possibly dismantling old) equipment and the income from energy savings when replacing a waste machine with a more modern one (for a given period of time). This difference will be the effect that the owner will receive after a certain period of time after implementing the energy efficient solution. Usually the installation of recuperators or solar panels pays off in 3-5 years.
In conclusion, it is worth noting that saving energy is not just saving money. First of all, this is the concern for tomorrow, in which our children will live.